
Showing posts from July, 2015

Expand To New Communities!

 Expand To New Communities!   Christian Support Foundation(C.S.F) and Wise Men Council planning to work with local leaders in the rural communities in Tanzania to address the challenges of climate change, food and water insecurity, and the lack of economic opportunities.  Over the next years, this project will focus on rehabilitating hand-dug village wells or digging new ones to provide access to clean, abundant water throughout the year in quantities sufficient for household use and vegetable cultivation by using locally installed solar panels and submersible water pumps.  (C.S.F) will also train an estimated 200 women in sustainable agricultural techniques and mobilize them into agricultural cooperatives. In addition, these women will receive training and gain skills in tree nurseries, poultry production, improved cookstove construction, and financial literacy.     With  donations ...