You can also be A part of successful stories.

Thanks to our Partner Christian Faith InAction (C.F.A), as member of Christian Support Foundation(C.S.F) under Wise Men Council, I and my Partners(C.F.A), we were able to
reach the unreachable people in Manafwa, Mbale - Eastern Uganda, close to mountain Elgon! few miles from Kenyan Border..It was there with
 my friends from Christian Faith InAction (C.F.A) who made a huge change by helping children to get back to school with UNIFORMS and BOOKS.. and it was
a challenge to local leaders who gave us 3 days to stay with them and share with them different ideas! the village welcomed us
with great strength..That is a place where cars and motorbikes can never reach(parts of Mountain slides )! we had to walk for more than 3 hours to get there..It
was a life time challenge..but from that! kids are now getting back to school with BOOKS..thanks to Christian Faith InAction (C.F.A)..You can also  be part of successful stories.

                        Tessi, Tabitha and the kids that they support!  Christian Faith InAction


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